IMC.SK multidisciplinary team integrates experienced management and high-quality professionals in IT, IoT, systems modelling, bioinformatics, medical data, AI and mathematics, design and development of the complex software web and mobile applications, industrial engineering, training. The team includes developers, designers, data scientists, testers as well as sales and customer services. We actively use latest Internet collaboration tools and technologies setting the team aligned to the specific projects and customers.

In its software systems and solutions IMC.SK uses only open source components that allow decreasing the costs of its products and services for end users in healthcare and other industries while providing the high quality of solutions for automated AI-driven data collection, transformation system performance management, monitoring and control. 



Company management


Elena Petrova, (female), MSc, CEO and the company owner, has strong professional and business interests in AI-driven digital transformation in Healthcare, Industries and Society. As supervisor of the company multidisciplinary team, she leads the company innovation into new application areas and novel services for Digital Heath, Industries and Urbanisation. Ms Petrova has more than 15 years of the entrepreneurial experience and good analytical skills enabling her to see the bigger picture of digital society and evolving digital economy. She successfully coordinated and implemented some Horizon 2020 and other projects introducing digital transformation innovations.


The core development team

Among the key company specialists there are as follows:    

Sergey Pikuz (male), PhD and MSc in Physics, is the lead researcher for the advanced smart measurement methods and sensoring instrumentation coupled with a novel IT-platforms. He is experienced in the development, testing and implementation of precise diagnostics equipment for basic science and technology. Sergey participates in a wide international collaboration of most advanced research institutions from EU, USA, Japan and Russia aimed to study and develop novel concepts in energy generation, distribution and laser technology applications and measurement methods. He is a representative at several European-based research associations and users' consortiums at large-scale EU research infrastructure facilities such as COST initiative for Inertial Confinement Fusion, European XFEL HIBEF consortium, European Task Force for Laboratory Astrophysics. He had been involved in the company research, development and innovation since 2011 taking active part in the concepts and methodology developments.

Stephan Gizha (male), Dipl.Engineer in industrial process automation, development and implementation of process control systems and services. During his last 5 years of work he accumulated in-depth experience of maintaining and modernizing existing complex automation systems used in the manufacturing as well as its documenting and training of the factory personnel. As highly qualified specialist in industrial system automation in our team, Mr Gizha develops complex models of cyber-bio-physical systems as its replicas or Digital Twins running the relevant application systems. The solutions apply AI, Big Data and IoT technologies to improve optimised holistic efficient and sustainable management of system operations, its monitoring and control, performance, quality and environmental impacts. Mr Gizha consults and supports implementation of the company projects by the development, testing, demonstration and validation of the new Digital Twin solutions for the company customers.

Vyacheslav Getmantsev (male) has MSc in Applied Mathematics and main responsibilities in design and usability, JS programming of web front-end and backend systems, formulation of requirements and functional design. Vyacheslav has over 8 years of experience the software development and is the expert in object-oriented analysis, design and programming, common design patterns in creating cross-platform and cross-browser web applications, as well as applications for mobile devices. He has strong skills in various JavaScript frameworks and developments based on functioning, systems for asynchronous modules and batch managers.

Murad Vartanov (male), MSc, diploma in "Automated Systems Software",  Project team Senior IoT application developer supporting major implementation of IoT networks & depositories, real time data stream processing, middleware broker architecture, gateways and protocol convertors. Murad has deep knowledge in various fields of information technology and extensive experience of various complex system automation applications and software programming. 

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