IMC.SK: our projects

The BRAINE project aims to boost the development of the Edge framework and specifically energy-efficient hardware and  AI-empowered software systems,  capable of processing  Big Data at the  Edge, performing AI functions, supporting security, data privacy and sovereignty.




2018-2020 IMC- Industrial Management Consulting Slovakia, s.r.o.  (IMC.SK) submitted the project proposal for the 1st Open Call in October 2018 in organised by the H2020 project ACTIVAGE (ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well) in . There were 85 proposals, addressing the 12 challenges topics submitted through the online platform with applicants from 17 countries across the world accordingly to the organisers.

IMC.SK project ‘SmartMozionAge’ was among the 10 proposals accepted by the ACTIVAGE project team for financing.





Our solution SmartMozionAge aims to encourage walking among the ageing population, paying attention to fall prevention and social interactions by exploiting available IOT infrastructure in deployment sites and innovative, mature IoT integration on PharosN platform bundled with artificial and location intelligence services. We proposed and implemented the PharosN TRL 6 application for implementation of novel digital mobility services for the SmartMozionAge facilitating urban stakeholders by the innovative transformation of mobility activities and processes into customised information services assisting in smart solutions for elderly and, at the same time, Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) management, monitoring and transparent, integrated performance analytics.

Sedentary behaviour becomes a new risk factor for health among all ages. Evidence suggests that there is a link between sedentary behaviour and multiple health outcomes such as risks with falling, limitations in mobility, increased likelihood of respiratory illness, and increased incidence of depression in older adults. A simple program of progressive resistance exercises, walking and balance training can improve muscle endurance and functional mobility in older adults with chronic impairments and risk factors for falls. 





On the front end — senior users’ hands — we implemented mobile application by applying various tactics to persuade and encourage seniors to walk. It includes personal progress statistics; short information about benefits of walking; real-time information related to available route events, how other users of the same age or family members are doing; where to walk depending on current preferences; engaging users to explore the city and share their findings with others as co-creation.  


On the back end, we provided real-time information to caregivers in 2 deploayment sites DS Valencia (DS VAL) and DS Emilia Romagna (DS RER) about the ongoing holistic health status of their elderly user(s); location intelligence services; progress statistics and history sessions, user satisfaction, e.g. mood, interactions with other users, interest in local events, etc. 



The successful project implementation proved IMC.SK team capacity to address the key challenges of time based on the latest AI-driven digital technologies. Along the high qualification of our company employees, the achievement of such impressive results within the short practical project timeframe of ~ 9 months become possible due to effective application of the Pharos Navigator® IoT platform for rapid development of Digital Tinws of complex bio-physical cyber systems. Linked to a common interoperable ACTIVAGE IoT Ecosystem Suite (AIOTES). 



IMC.SK will apply the experience and results in its new digital transformation and consulting projects in selected industries contributing to the further practical implementation of Industry 4.0  concepts.



The project aimed to build the first European IoT ecosystem across 9 Deployment Sites in seven European countries and received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732679.